
  • Web2Fax
    Web2Fax gives you the opportunity to send faxes from your HaloNet account panel to any fax number.

    The price of sending a fax depends on duration of the call to the fax number. Usually, it is between 0.05 and 0.14 zł. The price of one-minute call to a polish landline, according to the HaloNet rates, is 0.07 zł.

    If you wish to use the extended option (e.g., individual heading, target number with an extension number, faxes in bulk to even 200 numbers), all you need to do is to buy a fax number for 19.90 zł / year.

    How to send a fax?

    1. Prepare a document you want to send in PDF format. (Here you can download a program to create PDF files.) The PDF file size should be smaller than 10MB and it should not exceed 100 pages.
    2. Sign in to your HaloNet account (if you do not have the HaloNet account, enter the Create an account site.)
    3. If you do not have enough money on your account, recharge your account by clicking on the link in the menu "Recharge account" (check recharging options.)
    4. On the side menu choose: "Send fax" button.

    >> if you do not have a fax number (simple option)
    5. Choose the account (if you have more than one), from which you want to send a fax.
    6. Write a number to which you want to send a document.
    7. Attach the PDF file and send the fax.

    >> if you would like to send a fax by means of a fax number (extended option)
    5. Choose the fax number (if you do not have the fax number, you can buy it in your HaloNet account, by clicking on "Phone numbers ", and then "Buy a phone number", from which your document is going to be sent.
    6. Introduce the target number:

    a) without the extension number
    If it is a national number, dial the number without '0' at the beginning and without space, e.g.: 22xxxxxxx to Warsaw, and if it is an international number, dial 00 and the prefix at the beginning, e.g.: 0044xxxxxxxxxx to Great Britain.

    If you wish to send the same fax to more numbers at the same time (max. 200), prepare the text file (.txt) and write down the numbers. Each number you introduce should start from the new line. Then, attach this file to the form (click on "Browse" and then "Import").

    b) with the extension number
    Write down the target number (as above) and the extension number. The extension number can be preceded by a break that lasts from 3 to 60 seconds. It can be useful in case of some of the telephone exchanges. By default, the extension number is dialed 3 seconds after receiving a phone call (if you wish to change the break duration, choose as many seconds as you want from a pull-down menu by the "Wait" button).

    If you wish to send the same fax to <>more numbers at the same time (max. 200), including target numbers with the extension number, prepare the text file (.txt) and write down the numbers, each one starting from new line, in the following manner:

    - a target number with the extension number, without setting the break time (a break will be set by default and will last 3 seconds): a semicolon goes after the target number, and then the extension number, e.g., 22xxxxxxx;33

    - a target number with the extension number, with setting the break time: a semicolon goes after the target number, and then the extension number. After that, you should write another semicolon and the time of break, e.g., 22xxxxxxx;33;5

    Then attach this file to the form, by clicking on "Browse", and then "Import".

    7. Introduce a fax heading (additionally you can change the id of the faxes, but only before completing the form. For this purpose, you should choose "Phone numbers" button from the menu, and then change "Fax Id" in the number).
    8. Attach the PDF file.
    9. Optionally: if your attempt to send a document fails, you can set up the sending process to be repeated.
    10. If you would like to receive a confirmation of sent fax, mark the require field in line "Send report".
    11. Click on "Verify fax", confirm the accuracy of the data and finally accept to send a fax.

    The information about the faxes you sent and received is available after clicking on "Send fax", and then "Fax History" (the link will be available under the "Send fax" option.)